Zgromadzenie Sióstr Misjonarek Świętej Rodziny Zgromadzenie Sióstr Misjonarek Świętej Rodziny Zgromadzenie Sióstr Misjonarek Świętej Rodziny
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Convents, addresses
Various Works
Ecumenical Center
Blessed Boleslawa's Mission Family
Retreat for Youth
USA: West Allis, Kankakee
Italy: Rome, Infernetto

African Province: Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania
Kenya: Kanyakine, Nairobi
Zambia: Kabwe, Kapiri, Lusaka
Tanzania: Dar es Salaam

The Eastern Province: Bielorussia, Russia


Apostolic-Missionary works of congregation

God called us to be in congregation with apostolic-missionary goal so that we can serve the church with love and loyalty in spreading the Kingdom of God. In our work, we should be open and respectful toward other religions. That way, we would be able to pave the way to unity since we are children of One Heavenly Father.
(Constitution, pkt.41)

One of the main means of achieving the goal of congregation is education of children and youth.
(Constitution, pkt.44)

Education should be base on the principals of the catholic faith and teachings of the church. We need to introduce our students to the sacramental life, awaken the awareness of belonging to the church, taking responsibility for its destiny, and educate them in the spirit of obedience and love toward Holy Father. Simultaneously, we have to execute the attitude of respect for people of different religions; that way, we could create the friendly atmosphere that leads to better understanding of the Gospel truth helping in works toward the unity.
(Constitution, pkt.45)

In Poland, sisters serve the church in 22 communities. Part of them is located on territories with mixed population of Catholics and Orthodox. The basic source of fulfilling the goal of congregation is educating and upbringing children and youth. In our methods, we try to base our instruction on the principles of Catholic faith and church's teachings; we try to introduce students to sacramental life; inflame the awareness of belonging to church and responsibility of its destiny, bring them up in the spirit of obedience and love of Holy Father, nurture in them the attitude of respect toward people of different religions to create friendly atmosphere that would help to recognize the real truth leading to unity, and prepare children to good life in society.

In the charismatic mission of congregation, religion lessons play an important role. It's a part of work that offers an opportunity of ecumenical work, helps in strengthening people in their faith, shapes the ecumenical attitude, inflames the desire for unity with God, church, and the world. It gives an opportunity to evangelize not only the children and youth, but also families, teachers, and workers of education centers.

Currently in Poland, thirty eight sisters teach religion in kindergarten, grade schools, and high schools. Sisters prepare children to sacraments of reconciliation and communion. Following the charismatic spirit of their congregation, sisters encourage the practice of Holy Communions on the first Fridays of each month and participation in various devotions during liturgical year. Sisters take a special care of children who don't practice or know very little about their religion.

Religion lessons are seeds for all other works. Sisters make sure that teaching religion goes together with liturgical life of the parish. They organize many groups: choirs, missionary groups, rosary groups, Rays of Mary, prayer groups, and Oasis of God's Children. Keeping the tradition started by mother foundress, sisters eagerly take care of processions. They actively work with youth. During the school year, they offer retreat days and organize prayer gatherings in their convents. During winter break and summer vacation, girls participate in retreats under our care. Through such activities, sisters accompany the young in searching for the sense of their lives and own vocation. Through prayer, but also fun times, young people are encouraged to be the witness of Christ in their environment.

The congregation fulfills the mission of educating children and youth in their own education places. Currently, sisters run Grade School, after school program "Nazareth", and five kindergartens. These institutions are also open to people of different religion.

The charitable work is an important part of all works. The sensitivity to the poor, the sick, and the lonely allows sisters to spread the Gospel of Unity and strengthen in faith those touched by challenging situations. Through the work of nurses and parochial helpers, sisters help the sick, elderly, forgotten, and poor; they also bring hope into their lives.

Sisters who work as nurses in hospitals serve as sisters of mercy. They don't limit themselves to just professional help. With their witness of love, they stand by the sick, take care of them with deep compassion and eagerness, and bring hope with the strength for survival. They encourage offering of their sufferings for the unity of families, church, the world, and mission intentions. Sisters help them to understand that, through their prayer and suffering, they participate in salvation of the world. Sisters who work as nurses try to be the true apostles in their workplaces. Through their sacrifice, they teach the respect for human life from the conception to natural death according to moral teachings of the church. One of the sisters-nurses works at hospice in Bialystok. Here, the medical help is important, but even more there is a need for spiritual support in such difficult time of going to Father's house without fear and dignity. She also offers emotional support for families. Different people come to hospice: rich, poor, those who desire God, and those with religious conflict. It happens that people who are not baptized or prefer different religion come too. Sister works with the young people who, as volunteers, help caring for the sick. Every month, she organizes prayer service for families who lost their loved ones due to cancer.

Sisters working in parishes search for people in need. They try to understand their situation, so that they can offer appropriate help for the body and soul. They willingly offer their time to simply listen to others. They encourage praying and full participation in mass. They collect donations, especially clothes and groceries. For Christmas, they prepare a lot of gifts. Before Christmas, they organize Christmas Eve supper for the lonely and homeless. They make sure that people with disability would receive holy sacraments.

During summer, sisters take care of children from big and poor families and take them to summer camps. Sometimes, sisters get help from volunteers fro whom they have formation meetings.

Each of our convents has its own poor for whom we care. Sisters visit them and give gifts for the most poor. They share catholic magazines to strengthen people's spirit. Homeless who knock on our doors always receive a hot meal. If they can, sisters help in changing the status of some people.

Some sisters work as sacristans or organists. Through this work, they share the love of Jesus in Eucharist. Care for esthetic look of the altar, beautifully arranged flowers, and prayerful singing help the faithful in meeting God.

We also cooperate with clergy. Sisters work as secretaries in various institutions in the church. We help the clergy of local churches through quiet computer work or with different letters and documents.

Sisters who are sick, those who work in the kitchen, do laundry, clean, or work in the garden, are the true missionaries and apostles of unity. The efforts of these works and sufferings offered for the intentions of unity are the spiritual treasury of all initiatives of our congregation.

Spotkania z młodzieżą
Together with youth.

Nauka religii w szkole
Religion lessons in school.

S. Tomira z dziećmi w szkole
Sr. Tomira with children in school.

S. Anna z dziećmi pierwszokomunijnymi
Sr. Anna with children making their 1st Communion.

Procesja na Boże Ciało
Procession on the Feast of Body and Blood of Christ.

Siostra z dziewczynkami sypiącymi kwiatki
Sisters with flower girls.

Grupa misyjna wyrusza na wycieczkę.
Mission group starts their bike trip.

Piesza pielgrzymka na Jasną Górę.
Pilgrimage to Czestochowa.

Praca pielęgniarska.
Nursing work.

Posługa siostry zakrystianki.
Sister serving in the sacristy.

   Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family - Congregation - Apostolic-Missionary works of congregation Powrót na górę strony PL EN